Sunday, May 17, 2015

Emotional Equation of Life

Acceptance and Non-acceptance forms the emotional equation of life.

Something when it is handled with acceptance, it becomes a positive emotion but when it is handled with non-acceptance, it becomes a negative emotion. Acceptance will keep you emotionally tranquil. Non-acceptance will create the emotional agitations within you.

Tolerance - Anger
Something is happening or about to happen not the way we want - we accept it, it becomes tolerance but when we don't accept it, it becomes anger.

Adventure - Fear
We are facing uncertainty - we are able to accept it, it becomes adventure but when we are not able to accept it, it becomes fear.

Inspiration - Jealous
Somebody has something that we dont have or somebody is able to produce the results we are not able to produce - we are able to accept it, it becomes inspiration but when we are not able to accept it, it becomes jealous.

Forgiveness - Hatred
Somebody has hurt you - you are able to accept it, it becomes forgiveness but when we are not able to accept it, it becomes hatred.

- Excerpt from the speech by T.T.Rangarajan on 'Emotional Adulthood'.

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